Dr. Kratzer and Dr. Teplin have worked with our staff for over five years. Their Student Onramp Strategies training proved invaluable in increasing our students' level of deep understanding of text and comprehension. Training in the area of decoding multisyllabic words coupled with vocabulary strategies created a profound difference at all grade levels.
Their skill and expertise have been instrumental in motivating our teachers to use data effectively and make changes to our literacy program. This is the first year that 100 percent of our second grade students were proficient or advanced in our district's end of year assessment. Our third grade students were 93 percent proficient and advanced!
-   C. K., Elementary Principal

Lesson Link really helps us collaborate, think critically and see each other teach.  This makes the difference in our future instruction.  I think this is the most useful of all staff development activities I have experienced in many years at my district.
-   Lori K., Middle School Teacher

As the principal of our district's Intensive Intervention Summer School (IISS) for the past five years, I have seen firsthand the impact Cindy Kratzer and Amy Teplin's professional development has on both teacher and student learning.  Walking into classrooms I observed teachers using the Student Onramp Strategies and phonics lessons, and making concrete changes to their instructional practice.  As a result of these efforts, our district has seen a measurable gain in reading comprehension achievement for our IISS students for the past five years AT EVERY GRADE LEVEL.  This truly is the best training for teachers working with our most challenging students.
-   Susan S., IISS Principal

I've been teaching so long that I now go to conferences to remember what I've forgotten.  I take home the "stuff" but most of it I never use because I have more "stuff" than I can teach now.  Lesson Link, on the other hand, focuses on the "how" of teaching, where I still need to grow.  It allows me to examine my delivery and fix it and try it again immediately.  Lesson Link provides the time and the focus so improvement gets done!
-   Charlie T., High School Teacher

Lesson Link has transformed our school culture.  Our teachers love the opportunity to plan together and watch each other teach.  Teachers who never wanted me in their classroom are now inviting me in to see what's happening.
-   Juliana K., Title I Elementary Principal

  • Large Group Presentations
  • Small Group Facilitation
  • One-on-one Coaching
Professional Development Structures
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